Wednesday, 30 May 2007


I seem to have made friends with my old enemy TIME and developed a new enemy in indecision. It starts every morning with shall I have tea or coffee then moves on to shall I write, paint, garden or go out. I could go swimming or dancing or playing music or visiting my French neighbours. If the weather is bad it helps somewhat because then that cuts out gardening.
Notice that there are two activities missing from the list- cooking and housework-make that three and shopping. These are all things I only do if I really have to. I cook sometimes because I have to eat. I eat raw food if poss or go out to a local restaurant. There are at least nine which are only ten minutes away and charge 9 euros for a five course meal including wine or cider. The problem then is that it takes time to eat 5 courses and I am always tempted to drink some of the wine and then I have trouble staying awake to do some of the things I can't decide which to do.

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